Die Arbeitsgruppe Immunomonitoring am Edinger-Institut ist Teil der Immunomonitoring-Platform des Frankfurt Cancer Institutes (FCI) und wird unterstützt durch FCI, DKTK und UCT. Leiter der FCI-Immunomonitoring-Platform ist Prof. Dr. Karl H. Plate.
Organisation der FCI-Immunomonitoring Gruppe am Edinger Institut
Prof. Dr. Karl H. Plate (Sprecher) Dr. Jonathan Schupp (Staff Scientist)
Phenoptics-Multiplex Immunhistochemistry facility PD Dr. Yvonne Reiss (Leitung) Jadranka Macas (Chief Technology Officer) Pinar Cakmak, MD (Fachärztin für Pathologie)
FACS-Analysis und -Sorting facility Jadranka Macas (Chief Technology officer)
DNA-methylation deconvolution Dr. Katharina Weber (MSNZ clinician scientist)
Whole-exome and RNA-sequencing facility Dr. Jennifer Lun (Postdoctoral Researcher) Dr. Jonathan Schupp (Staff Scientist FCI-Immunomonitoring Platform)
Immunomonitoring Platform (Prof. Karl H. Plate)
The FCI-Immunomonitoring Platform (IMP) has been established to develop immune monitoring technologies for FCI and DKTK scientists and UCT clinicians. Major goals are the monitoring of therapy responses and the identification of predictive and prognostic biomarkers. Within the frame of the Clinical Translation Program „Brain Cancer“ the IMP supports the evaluation of the immune landscape in tissue biopsies derived from patients that are enrolled in immunooncology clinical trials such as CAR2Brain/CAR2Brain check (NCT03383978), BI 1336-0011 (Phase I Study of BI 836880 in combination with BI 754091 in patients with advanced solid cancer) and NCT Neuro Master Match (N²M²). The IMP also supports evaluation of tissue specimens derived from preclinical immunotherapy trials. Current technologies enabled include DNA-methylation deconvolution, whole exome sequencing, RNA-sequencing (Illumina) and Multiplex-Immunofluorescence combined with digital spatial profiling (Akoya Biosciences).
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