As a physician scientist my research is dedicated to the translation of basic science to the clinic, always focusing on the patient who should benefit from our research results in the near future.
Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is the second most common leukemia mainly occurring in two patient populations, a) in children under the age of 5 years and b) in adults over the age of 50 years. Although the traditional multiagent chemotherapy regimens induce high complete remission (CR) rates, many adult patients experience relapse of their disease. Despite the breakthrough advances of antibody-based therapies, the overall long-term survival rate for patients with relapsed or refractory ALL, as well as for certain genetic subtypes is still dismal emphasizing the need for novel, targeted treatment strategies.
By applying a multi-omics approach, as well as innovative screening strategies and complementing our results with clinical patient samples and data, our goal is to identify new oncogenic transcriptional networks in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) which will ultimately lead to new targeted treatment strategies for patients with this disease.
Research funding
2021 Max-Eder Research Group (German Cancer Aid)
2020 Gilead Research Funding Winner of EHA-ASH Translational Research Training in Hematology Program (TRTH)
2019 Fellowship of the Mildred-Scheel Early Career Center Frankfurt, German Cancer Aid
2016-2019 Mildred-Scheel Postdoctoral fellowship, German Cancer Aid
2014-2015 Hessian Initiative for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence (LOEWE) – “Clinical Scientist Program“
Selected publications
Pikman Y, Tasian SK, Sulis ML, Stevenson K, Blonquist TM, Apsel Winger B, Cooper TM, Pauly M, Maloney KW, Burke MJ, Brown PA, Gossai N, McNeer JL, Shukla NN, Cole PD, Kahn JM, Chen J, Barth MJ, Magee JA, Gennarini L, Adhav AA, Clinton CM, Ocasio-Martinez N, Gotti G, Li Y, Lin S, Imamovic A, Tognon CE, Patel T, Faust HL, Contreras CF, Cremer A, Cortopassi WA, Garrido Ruiz D, Jacobson MP, Dharia NV, Su A, Robichaud AL, Saur Conway A, Tarlock K, Stieglitz E, Place AE, Puissant A, Hunger SP, Kim AS, Lindeman NI, Gore L, Janeway KA, Silverman LB, Tyner JW, Harris MH, Loh ML, Stegmaier K. Matched Targeted Therapy for Pediatric Patients with Relapsed, Refractory or High-risk Leukemias: A Report from the LEAP Consortium. Cancer Discovery 2021 Feb 9;candisc.0564.2020.
Cremer A, Ellegast JM, Alexe G, Frank E, Ross L, Chu SH, Pikman Y, Robichaud A, Goodale A, Häupl B, Mohr S, Walker A, Blachly J, Piccioni F, Armstrong SA, Byrd JC, Oellerich T, Stegmaier K. Resistance mechanisms to SYK inhibition in AML. Cancer Discovery. 2020 Feb;10(2):214-231.
Cremer A and Stegmaier K. Targeting DUBs to degrade oncogenic proteins. Br J Cancer. 2020. Apr;122(8):1121-1123.
Bensinger D, Stubba D, Cremer A, Kohl V, Waßmer T, Stuckert T, Engemann V, Stegmaier K, Schmitz K, Schmidt B. Virtual Screening Identifies Irreversible FMS-like Tyrosine Kinase 3 Inhibitors with Activity toward Resistance-Conferring Mutations. J Med Chem. 2019 Mar 14;62(5):2428-2446.
Mohr S, Doebele C, Comoglio F, Berg T, Beck J, Bohnenberger H, Alexe G, Corso J, Ströbel P, Wachter A, Beissbarth T, Schnütgen F, Cremer A, Haetscher N, Göllner S, Rouhi A, Palmqvist L, Rieger MA, Schroeder T, Bönig H, Müller-Tidow C, Kuchenbauer F, Schütz E, Green AR, Urlaub H, Stegmaier K, Humphries RK, Serve H, Oellerich T. Hoxa9 and Meis1 Cooperatively Induce Addiction to Syk Signaling by Suppressing miR-146a in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Cancer Cell. 2017 Apr 10;31(4):549-562.e11.
Schneider C, Oellerich T, Baldauf HM, Schwarz SM, Thomas D, Flick R, Bohnenberger H, Kaderali L, Stegmann L, Cremer A, Martin M, Lohmeyer J, Michaelis M, Hornung V, Schliemann C, Berdel WE, Hartmann W, Wardelmann E, Comoglio F, Hansmann ML, Yakunin AF, Geisslinger G, Ströbel P, Ferreirós N, Serve H, Keppler OT, Cinatl J Jr. SAMHD1 is a biomarker for cytarabine response and a therapeutic target in acute myeloid leukemia. Nature Medicine. 2017 Feb;23(2):250-255.
Oellerich T, Mohr S, Corso J, Beck J, Döbele C, Braun H, Cremer A, Münch S, Wicht J, Oellerich MF, Bug G, Bohnenberger H, Perske C, Schütz E, Urlaub H, Serve H. FLT3-ITD and TLR9 use Bruton tyrosine kinase to activate distinct transcriptional programs mediating AML cell survival and proliferation. Blood 2015, Mar 19;125(12):1936-47.
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