Interdisziplinäre Konferenz für Hypophysenerkrankungen (Hypophysen-Board) unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. med. J. Bojunga (Leitender Oberarzt und stellvertretender Klinikdirektor der Medizinische Klinik 1)
Unter Beteiligung aller relevanten Fachabteilungen findet regelmäßig das Hypophysen-Board statt.
Diese Konferenz steht allen Kolleginnen und Kollegen innerhalb und außerhalb des Klinikums offen, die Fälle interdisziplinär mit fachkompetenten Kollegen besprechen möchten, um diagnostische und therapeutische Strategien festzulegen.
Für Anfragen steht Ihnen Herr Prof. Dr. med. J. Bojunga per Telefon (069 6301 5293) oder email: zur Verfügung.
The pituitary gland
The pituitary gland (hypophysis) is about the size of a hazelnut (1.2-1.5 cm), located at the front base of the brain at approximately eye-level. It consists of two parts, the anterior pituitary lobe and the posterior pituitary lobe. The anterior pituitary is also known as the adenohypophysis, the posterior pituitary may also be referred to as the neurohypohysis. The posterior lobe itself does not produce any hormones. It is solely responsible for storing and releasing hormones that are produced in the hypothalamus (an area of the diencephalon just above the optic chiasm). The pituitary gland controls many bodily functions and glands by the hormones that it produces and releases into the bloodstream.
The Pituitary Consultation
Outpatient examination and treatment of patients with pituitary disorders of all kinds, especially of space-occupying processes in the sella region (pituitary tumors) is performed at the pituitary consultation. Treatment of such patients requires special skills in endocrinology, ophthalmology, radiological diagnostics, and operative treatment of tumors in the region of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. The main task of the pituitary consultation is thorough initial diagnostics and the discussion of therapeutic options with the patient. The treatment may consist of operative treatment, medical treatment, or radiotherapy and/or Gamma Knife therapy, but conservative, expectant treatment may also be advisable. The highly specialized clinic provides individual consultation and treatment. Diagnostics comprises taking blood samples, special function tests for screening the function of the hypophysis as well as imaging diagnostics (usually MRI).In the case of hormonal disorders (hyper-and/or subfunction), or when conservative medical therapy approaches are being made, our patients are cared for by medical specialists through regular follow-ups at the endocrinological clinic.
If operative treatment of the pituitary tumor proves necessary, the case will be discussed at the interdisciplinary hypophysis conference/hypophysis- board. The attending specialists of the clinics mentioned below deal with the clinical issues of sellar and perisellar processes, which are usually pituitary adenomas, whereas colloid cysts, metastases, granulomas, chordomas, craniopharyngiomas and meningiomas are also discussed. This conference has a special focus on optimizing the coordination of endocrinological diagnostics, medical and operative treatment of pituitary tumors and/or expert-based therapy recommendation for patients. The entire coordination of both pre-and postoperative diagnostics (endocrinological function tests) takes place at our specialized endocrinological outpatient clinic. Detailed planning of inpatient stay, inpatient care and operative therapy then takes place at the Department of Neurosurgery, where state-of-the-art technical equipment and instruments are available for gentle operative interventions in the sella region.
The long-term aftercare of patients who have undergone pituitary tumor resections also takes place within the pituitary consultation at our endocrinological clinic in close collaboration with the Department of Neurosurgery. These clinical follow-ups, which sometimes occur over several years, facilitate the detection of potential recrudescences after complete or incomplete resection of these tumors, depending on various prognostic factors. In addition, we offer the opportunity to treat patients with cutting-edge treatment regimes in clinical trials. For further information please contact our clinical trials staff.
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