
Leiter: PD Dr. Dr. med. Yavor Yalachkov, Dipl.-Psych. (Oberarzt)



  • Dr. med. Johannes Gehrig (Funktionsoberarzt)

  • Christine Schuhmann (Studienkoordination)

  • Dr. med. Michelle Maiworm (Assistenzärztin)

  • Dr. med. Kimberly Körbel (Assistenzärztin)

  • Lilith Hauck (Assistenzärztin)

  • Valentin Krüger (Assistenzarzt)

  • Antonia Hermanns (studentische Hilfskraft)

  • Carolin Franz (studentische Hilfskraft)



  • Biomarker neurologischer Erkrankungen (neurofilament light chain [NfL], glial fibrillary acidic protein [GFAP], brain-derived neurotrophic factor [BDNF], zelluläre Oberflächenmarker)

  • Kognition, Depression, Fatigue bei neuroimmunologischen Erkrankungen 

  • Neuroplastizität bei neuroimmunologischen Erkrankungen und Schlaganfall 

  • Metabolische Dysfunktion im Kontext neuroimmunologischer Erkrankungen 



  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (PD Dr. Dr. med. Yavor Yalachkov; Projektnummer 511312822; Projektnummer 241862165) 

  • Heinrich und Erna Schaufler-Stiftung (PD Dr. Dr. med. Yavor Yalachkov; Dr. med. Michelle Maiworm) 

  • Fachbereich Medizin an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main: 

    • Clinician Scientist (PD Dr. Dr. med. Yavor Yalachkov) 

    • Junior Clinician Scientist (Dr. med. Kimberly Körbel) 

  • Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers (GRADE) Förderprogramm Fokus A|B (Dr. med. Michelle Maiworm) 

  • Novartis Pharma GmbH (PD Dr. Dr. med. Yavor Yalachkov; investigator-initiated studies) 


Ausgewählte Publikationen: 

  • Ringelstein M, … Yalachkov Y, … et al. (in press) Eculizumab use in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders: real-world data from a European cohort. Neurology 

  • Maiworm M. (2024) The relevance of BDNF for neuroprotection and neuroplasticity in multiple sclerosis. Frontiers in Neurology 

  • Yalachkov Y, Akgün K, Ziemssen T. (2024) Change from platform to high efficacy disease-modifying treatment for multiple sclerosis despite NEDA. Neuroimmunology Reports 

  • Koerbel K, Maiworm M, Schaller-Paule M, Schäfer JH, Jakob J, Friedauer L, Steffen F, Bittner S, Foerch C, Yalachkov Y. (2024) Evaluating the utility of serum NfL, GFAP, UCHL1 and tTAU as estimates of CSF levels and diagnostic instrument in neuroinflammation and multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 

  • Schaller-Paule MA, Maiworm M, Schäfer JH, Friedauer L, Hattingen E, Wenger KJ, Weber F, Jakob J, Steffen F, Bittner S, Yalachkov Y, Foerch C. (2024) Matching proposed clinical and MRI criteria of aggressive multiple sclerosis to serum and cerebrospinal fluid markers of neuroaxonal and glial injury. Journal of Neurology 

  • Wenger KJ, Hoelter MC, Yalachkov Y, Schaefer JH, Özkan D, Steffen F, Bittner S, Hattingen E, Foerch C, Schaller-Paule MA (2023) Serum neurofilament light chain is more strongly associated with T2 lesion volume than with number of T2 lesions in patients with multiple sclerosis. European Journal of Radiology 

  • Schaefer JH, Schaller-Paule MA, Wenger K, Mayer C, Mann U, Bickert A, Steffen F, Bittner S, Yalachkov Y, Foerch C (2023) Relevance of dedicated multiple sclerosis serum biomarkers in predicting contrast enhancement with gadolinium - Results from the REDUCE-GAD trial. European Journal of Neurology 

  • Maiworm M, Hamid C, Wagner M, Nöth U, Deichmann R, Seiler A, Gracien RG (2023) Multiparametric quantitative MRI reveals progressive cortical damage over time in clinically stable relapsing-remitting MS. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 

  • Yalachkov Y, Anschütz A, Maiworm M, Jakob J, Schaller-Paule MA, Schäfer JH, Reiländer A, Friedauer L, Behrens M, Steffen F, Bittner S, Foerch C (2023) Serum and cerebrospinal fluid BDNF concentrations are associated with neurological and cognitive improvement in multiple sclerosis: A pilot study. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 

  • Yalachkov Y, Schäfer JH, Jakob J, Friedauer L, Steffen F, Bittner S, Foerch C, Schaller-Paule MA (2023) Effect of Estimated Blood Volume and Body Mass Index on GFAP and NfL Levels in the Serum and CSF of Patients With Multiple Sclerosis. Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation 

  • Kohlhase K, Schaefer JH, Miesbach W, Hintereder G, Kirchmayr K, Zwinge B, Yalachkov Y, Foerch C, Schaller-Paule MA (2022). Measurement of D-dimer in cerebrospinal fluid using a luminescent oxygen channeling immunoassay. Frontiers in Neurology 

  • Schaller-Paule MA, Yalachkov Y, Steinmetz H, Friedauer L, Hattingen E, Miesbach W, Weber F, Kirchmayr K, Schaefer JH, Foerch C (2022). Analysis of CSF D-dimer to identify intrathecal fibrin-driven autoimmunity in multiple sclerosis patients. Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation 

  • Schaefer JH, Yalachkov Y, Friedauer L, Kirchmayr K, Miesbach W, Wenger KJ, Foerch C, Schaller-Paule MA. (2022) Measurement of prothrombin fragment 1+2 in cerebrospinal fluid to identify thrombin generation in inflammatory central nervous system diseases. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 

  • Endres D, ... Yalachkov Y... et al. (2022) Clinical manifestations and immunomodulatory treatment experiences in psychiatric patients with suspected autoimmune encephalitis: a case series of 91 patients from Germany. Molecular Psychiatry 

  • Klinsing S, Yalachkov Y, Foerch C. (2022) Difficulty in identification of patients with active secondary progressive multiple sclerosis by clinical classification tools. European Journal of Neurology 

  • Yalachkov Y, Dabanli D, Wenger KJ, Forster MT, Steinbach JP, Voss M. (2022) Concurrent CNS tumors and multiple sclerosis: retrospective single-centre cohort study and lessons for the clinical management. Neurological Sciences 

  • Yalachkov Y, Anschütz V, Jakob J, Schaller-Paule MA, Schäfer JH, Reiländer A, Friedauer L, Behrens M, Steffen F, Bittner S, Foerch C. (2022) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurofilament light chain in cerebrospinal fluid are inversely correlated with cognition in Multiple Sclerosis at the time of diagnosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 

  • Gehrig J, Bergmann HJ, Soydaş D, Buschenlange C, Fadai Motlagh LY, Naumer MJ, Kaiser J, Frisch S, Behrens M, Foerch C, Yalachkov Y. (2022) Visual search in naturalistic scenes reveals impaired cognitive processing speed in multiple sclerosis. Frontiers in Neurology 

  • Yalachkov Y, Anschuetz V, Jakob J, Schaller-Paule M, Schaefer JH, Reilaender A, Friedauer L, Behrens M, Foerch C. (2021) C-reactive protein levels and gadolinium-enhancing lesions are associated with the degree of depressive symptoms in newly diagnosed multiple sclerosis. Frontiers in Neurology 

  • Yalachkov Y, Klinsing S, Foerch C. (2021) Lateralization bias for autoimmune optic neuritis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 

  • Yalachkov Y, Soydaş D, Uhlmann V, Behrens M, Frisch S, Foerch C, Gehrig J. (2021) Impact of psychiatric distress and physical disability on quality of life in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder and chronic autoimmune demyelinating polyneuropathies. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 

  • Yalachkov Y, Uhlmann V, Bergmann J, Soydaş D, Frisch S, Behrens M, Foerch C, Gehrig J. (2020) Patients with chronic autoimmune demyelinating polyneuropathies exhibit cognitive deficits which might be associated with CSF evidence of blood-brain barrier disturbance. PLoS One 

  • Yalachkov Y, Soydaş D, Bergmann J, Frisch S, Behrens M, Foerch C, Gehrig J. (2019) Determinants of quality of life in relapsing-remitting and progressive multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 

  • Yalachkov Y, Bergmann HJ, Soydaş D, Buschenlange C, Fadai Motlagh LY, Naumer MJ, Kaiser J, Frisch S, Behrens M, Foerch C, Gehrig J. (2019) Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis Is Reflected by Increased Susceptibility to the Sound-Induced Flash Illusion. Frontiers in Neurology 

  • Yalachkov Y, Hildner M, Polomac N, Jahnke K, Wagner M, Baudrexel S. (2019) Cytotoxic edema affecting distinct fiber tracts in ciguatera fish poisoning. Neurology 

  • Yalachkov Y, Foerch C, Wahl M, Gehrig J. (2017) A Proposal for a Patient-Oriented Five-Dimensional Approach for Surveillance and Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis. Frontiers in Neurology