Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy
University Hospital Frankfurt
Deutschordenstraße 50
House 92
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Theol. Christine M. Freitag
Susanne Büdenbender, Mounia Habbati
Alexander Hartmann, Melek Kara
T +49 69 63 01 - 5920
F +49 69 63 01 - 5843
Vanessa van der Plas
T +49 69 63 01 - 86364
F +49 69 63 01 - 84139
Barbara Bokelmann
T +49 69 63 01 - 5848
F +49 69 63 01 - 5843
Sabine Müller
T +49 69 63 01 - 7050
F +49 69 63 01 - 5843
We are always looking for motivated employees in all areas (medicine, psychology, specialist therapy, nursing and educational services, social services.
We are not able to offer a vacancy at all times, but in any case, if you are interested, we would like to encourage you to apply to us, preferably in the form of a speculative application.
Current job advertisement: https://www.kgu.de/karriere
Clinical activity / specialist training / further nursing
At our clinic, you will have the opportunity to become acquainted with the entire spectrum of child and adolescent psychiatric disorders and clinical issues on the wards with a total of 47 inpatient and 30 day-care treatment places and in the outpatient clinic. The clinic works according to the latest scientific evidence. All areas of the clinic are equipped with concepts in which scientifically based therapeutic approaches are implemented by all staff members.
Accordingly, the day clinics and wards have corresponding ward concepts, and the outpatient clinics have corresponding outpatient diagnostic and therapeutic offers (for details & focal points: see the individual areas). Within the framework of a joint curriculum, we offer disorder-specific psychotherapy training as well as case supervision as part of the specialist training. We also attach great importance to well-founded training and continuing education in our daily clinic routine with, among other things, weekly specialist training courses (certified by the Medical Association), case discussions and regular team meetings.
As a university hospital, we offer physicians and psychologists the opportunity to become involved in clinical research and, with regard to teaching, to participate in student training. The direct contact with the often very interested students is also very enriching for the lecturers.
The director has full continuing education authority for residency training in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy and is recognized as a supervisor in the field of behavior therapy by cooperating training institutes for child and adolescent psychotherapy.
Science and research
In the area of research, the clinic offers basic research (molecular biology, imaging) as well as clinical research (clinical studies, diagnostics) on autism spectrum disorder, social behavior disorders, ADHD, and anxiety and depressive disorders. We support our employees with scientific interest in the best possible way to get involved in research. To this end, you will be given the appropriate time flexibility and capacity as part of your career with us, as well as being given experienced researchers to work alongside in a mentoring system. Habilitation as a personal goal of your scientific career is explicitly supported and encouraged.
Other special features
The University Hospital offers the free state ticket Hessen. Our university hospital campus offers a modern cafeteria, various cafés and opportunities to spend time in the greenery. A walk along the banks of the Main River offers relaxation during breaks. Part-time employment is possible, childcare in our daycare center, vacation care as well as many attractive offers for health promotion.
Please send your application to: bewerbung@unimedizin-ffm.de
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
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