Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy
Inhalte auf dieser Seite:Contact
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy University Hospital Frankfurt Deutschordenstraße 50 House 92 60528 Frankfurt am Main
Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Theol. Christine M. Freitag
Secretary's office / Ambulance
Susanne Büdenbender, Mounia Habbati Alexander Hartmann, Melek Kara
T +49 69 63 01 - 5920 F +49 69 63 01 - 5843
Secretary's office Autism Therapy and Research Centre
Vanessa van der Plas
T +49 69 63 01 - 86364 F +49 69 63 01 - 84139
Sectretary's office / Stations
Barbara Bokelmann
T +49 69 63 01 - 5848 F +49 69 63 01 - 5843
Secretary's office / Senior physicians
Sabine Müller
T +49 69 63 01 - 7050 F +49 69 63 01 - 5843
Current studies at the clinic
Dear children and parents,
In order to better understand and treat diseases, we need your help. At our clinic we are currently researching autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorders, and anxiety disorders.
We are investigating the effectiveness of new therapies (therapy studies) or the basics of these disorders (basic research). For example, with the help of the study participants, we have already been able to identify genetic patterns that play an important role in autism or develop new training for parents with autistic children.
The close cooperation between research and clinic has a direct effect on our treatment practice. This means that we are able to incorporate results from the trials directly into the treatment.
We are looking for children and young people who are interested in research and who would like to participate in our studies. You can also take part in several trials. Our staff will tell you how if you call them.
We are looking forward to your participation in one of our studies!
In our research, you are at the centre of attention and our team is happy to answer any questions you may have. For information on the current studies, please contact Dr. Nico Bast nico.bast[at] He will answer all your questions and find the right study for you.
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