Main Research Interests

The Depression Research Centre concentrates on exploring neurobiological mechanisms underlying depression and improving diagnostics and has been a pioneer in projects on digital and mobile therapies for depression. Another research focus is the implementation of multi-level interventions for suicide prevention, including mental health at the workplace and gatekeeper trainings.

The Depression Research Centre was founded in 2014 in cooperation with the German Depression Foundation and the Deutsche Bahn Stiftung gGmbH and is collaborating with European and worldwide partners.

Academic partner is the Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie des Universitätsklinikums Frankfurt/Main.

More information as well as currently available topics for theses and research internships can be found here:

Core group members

Selection of current projects:

  1. Bündnis für Psychische Gesundheit bei der Bundeswehr: Implementation and evaluation of the 4-level intervention program targeting depression and suicidal behaviour within the German Armed Forces. Funded by Bundesministerium für Verteidigung 2020 – 2023, contract number E/U2AD/KA228/HF558. 
  2. App against Depression: Evaluation of the App version of a web-based self-management tool using principles of cognitive behavioural therapy.
  3. Analyse.STEADY: The BMBF-funded STEADY-project (Sensorbasiertes System zur Therapieunterstützung und Management von Depressionen, 2017-2020, grant number 13GW0162 A-E) investigated long-term self-recording of physiological, emotional, and behavioural variables via wearables and smartphone in patients with depression. 
  4. Deutschland Barometer Depression: Study of knowledge about, attitudes towards and stigma concerning depression in representative samples of the general population on a yearly basis. Funded by Deutsche Bahn Stiftung gGmbH since 2017.

Selection of cooperation projects

  1. MENTUPP (Mental Health Promotion and Intervention in Occupational Settings): Implementation and evaluation of the 4-level intervention program targeting mental health, depression, and suicidal behavior in small and medium enterprises in the construction, health and ICT sectors in the European Union and Australia.
    Funded by European Union, 2020 – 2023, Horizon 2020, grant agreement No 848137.
  2. ImpleMentAll (Towards evidence-based tailored implementation strategies for eHealth): Research on tailoring implementation strategies in a European collaboration aiming at faster and more effective implementation of eHealth interventions.
    Funded by European Union, 2017 – 2021, Horizon 2020, grant agreement No 733025.
  3. WESPA (Increasing the effectiveness of a web-based self-help program for significant others of depressed persons): Effectiveness-study of a web-based self-help program including e-mail support for significant others of depressed persons.Funded by Innovationsausschuss des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss, 2020 – 2023.

Selected Publications

Oehler, C., Görges, F., Rogalla, M., (…), Hegerl, U. (2020). Efficacy of a Guided Web-Based Self-Management Intervention for Depression or Dysthymia: Randomized Controlled Trial With a 12-Month Follow-Up Using an Active Control Condition. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(7), e15361. DOI: 10.2196/15361.

Lorenz, N., Sander, C., Ivanova, G., Hegerl, U. (2020). Temporal Associations of Daily Changes in Sleep and Depression Core Symptoms in Patients Suffering From Major Depressive Disorder: Idiographic Time-Series Analysis. JMR Mental Health, 7(4), e17071.  DOI: 10.2196/17071

Näher, A.-F., Rummel-Kluge, C., Hegerl, U. (2020). Associations of Suicide Rates With Socioeconomic Status and Social Isolation: Findings From Longitudinal Register and Census Data. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10.     DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00898.

Hegerl, U., Maxwell, M., Harris, F. M., (…), Gusmão, R. (2019). Prevention of suicidal behaviour: Results of a controlled community-based intervention study in four European countries. PLoS ONE, 14(11), e0224602.     DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0224602.

Jawinski, P., Kirsten, H., Sander, C., (…), Hegerl, U. (2019). Human brain arousal in the resting state: A genome-wide association study. Molecular Psychiatry, 24(11), 1599 – 1609.     DOI: 10.1038/s41380-018-0052-2

Hartmann, R., Schmidt, F. M., Sander, C., Hegerl, U. (2019). Heart Rate Variability as Indicator of Clinical State in Depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9.   DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00735

Görges, F., Oehler, C., von Hirschhausen, E., Hegerl, U., Rummel-Kluge, C. (2018). GET.HAPPY - Acceptance of an internet-based self-management positive psychology intervention for adult primary care patients with mild and moderate depression or dysthymia: A pilot study. Internet Interventions, 12, 26-.

Kohls, E., Coppens, E., Hug, J., (…), Hegerl, U. (2017). Public attitudes toward depression and help-seeking: Impact of the OSPI-Europe depression awareness campaign in four European regions, Journal of Affective Disorders.

Szekely, A., Thege, B.K., Mergl, R., (…), Hegerl, U. (2013). How to decrease suicide rates in both genders? An effectiveness study of a community-based intervention (EAAD). PLoS ONE 8(9): e75081.

Hegerl, U., Rummel-Kluge, C., Värnik, A., Arensman, E., Koburger, N. (2013). Alliances against depression: A community based approach to target depression and to prevent suicidal behavior. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 37, 2404-2409.

Scheerder,G., Van Audenhove, C., Arensman, (…), Hegerl, U. (2010). Community facilitators’ and (mental) health professionals’ attitudes towards depression: a pilot study in 9 EAAD countries. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 57(4). doi: 10.1177/0020764009359742.

Hegerl, U., Althaus, D., Schmidtke, A., & Niklewski, G. (2006). The alliance against depression: 2-year evaluation of a community-based intervention to reduce suicidality. Psychological Medicine, 36(9), 1225-1233. doi: 10.1017/S003329170600780X.