
An unserer Klinik erstreckt sich die Forschungstätigkeit über mehrere Schwerpunktbereiche.

Unsere Forschungsteams kooperieren mit Kliniken und Instituten des Universitätsklinikums als auch mit externen Partnern. Die Teams arbeiten interdisziplinär mit unterschiedlichsten, hoch qualifizierten Speziallisten aus den Bereichen der Informatik, Physik und Medizintechnik.

Aktuell ist der Forschungsschwerpunkt auf dem Gebiet der funktionellen CT- und MR-Tomographie ausgerichtet. Die Ergebnisse unserer Forschungstätigkeit werden regelmäßig in hochrangigen Journals veröffentlicht und finden Weltweit eine weitreichende Anerkennung. Im Folgenden stellen sich die Forschungsteams kurz vor.

Aktuelle Forschungsschwerpunkte





Accuracy and Readability of ChatGPT on Potential Complications of Interventional Radiology Procedures: AI-Powered Patient Interviewing
Quelle: Academic Radiology; Elsevier Verlag
Autor(en): Esat Kaba, Mehmet Beyazal, Fatma Beyazal Çeliker, İbrahim Yel, Thomas J. Vogl 

Die Wirbelsäule
Quelle: Die Zeitschrift; Thieme Verlag
Autor(en): Vogl T, Reschke P, Booz C.

The combination of transarterial chemoembolization and microwave ablation is superior to microwave ablation alone for liver metastases from colorectal cancer
Quelle: Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl, Hannah Stefan, Tatjana Gruber-Rouh, Jörg Trojan, Wolf Otto Bechstein, John Bielfeldt, Hamzah Adwan

Epigenetic profiling of prostate cancer reveals potential prognostic signatures
Quelle: Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology; Springer
Autor(en): Simon Bernatz, Ian G. Reddin, Tim R. Fenton, Thomas J. Vogl, Peter J. Wild, Jens Köllermann, Philipp Mandel, Mike Wenzel, Benedikt Hoeh, Scherwin Mahmoudi, Vitali Koch, Leon D. Grünewald, Renate Hammerstingl, Claudia Döring, Patrick N. Harter & Katharina J. Weber

Biomechanical Assessment of Liver Integrity: Prospective Evaluation of Mechanical Versus Acoustic MR Elastography
Quelle: Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JMRI)
Autor(en): Vitali Koch MD, Jennifer Gotta MD, Victoria Chernyak MD, MS, Duygu Cengiz MD, Katerina Torgashov, Katrin Eichler MD, Valérie Vilgrain MD, Simon S. Martin MD, Nicole S. Ziegengeist, Paul Konrad, Christian Booz MD, Ibrahim Yel MD, Tommaso D'Angelo MD, Scherwin Mahmoudi MD, Jan-Erik Scholtz MD, Simon Bernatz MD, Leona S. Alizadeh MD, Marina Cimprich, Levent A. Solim MD, Axel Thalhammer MD, Tatjana Gruber-Rouh MD, Renate M. Hammerstingl MD, Stefan Zeuzem MD, Fabian Finkelmeier MD, Anita Pathil-Warth MD, Melis Onay MD, Maximilian N. Kinzler MD, Omar Darwish PhD, Giacomo Annio PhD, Stuart A. Taylor MD, Peter Wild MD, Iulia Dahmer MD, Eva Herrmann MD, Haidara Almansour MD, Thomas J. Vogl MD, Leon D. Gruenewald MD, Ralph Sinkus PhD

Prävalenz und prognostische Rolle der thorakalen Lymphadenopathie bei Covid-19
Quelle: RöFo, Thieme Verlag
Autor(en): Bucher A M, Sieren M M, Meinel F G, Kloeckner R, Fink M A, Sähn M J, Wienke A, Meyer H J, Penzkofer T, Dietz J, Vogl T J, Borggrefe J, Surov A.

CT-Guided Percutaneous Cryoablation of Breast Cancer: A Single-Center Experience
Quelle: Cancers 2024, 16(13), 2373; MDPI
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl, John Bielfeld, Ulrich Kübler, Hamzah Adwan

Pre- and Post-Operative Cone Beam Computed Tomography Assessment of the Temporomandibular Joint in Patients with Orthognathic Surgery
Quelle: Diagnostics 2024, 14, 1389; MDPI
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl, Wael Zyada, Rania Helal, Nagy N. Naguib, Neelam Lingwal, Nour-Eldin A. Nour-Eldin

Tumour-specific activation of a tumour-blood transport improves the diagnostic accuracy of blood tumour markers in mice
Quelle: eBioMedicine 2024; 105: 105178
Autor(en): Christian Schmithals, Bianca Kakoschky, Dominic Denk, Maike von Harten, Jan Henrik Klug, Edith Hintermann, Anne Dropmann, Eman Hamza, Anne Claire Jacomin, Jens U. Marquardt, Stefan Zeuzem, Peter Schirmacher, Eva Herrmann, Urs Christen, Thomas J. Vogl, Oliver Waidmann, Steven Dooley, Fabian Finkelmeier, Albrecht Piiper

Prostatic Artery Embolization: Lessons From 551 Procedures at a Single-Center
Quelle: Academic Radiology
Autor(en): Leona S. Alizadeh, David Radek, Christian Booz, Niklas Verloh, Ibrahim Yel, Vitali Koch, Simon Martin, Leon D. Gruenewald, Mirela Dimitrova, Thomas J. Vogl

Differential radiological features of patients infected or colonised with slow-growing non-tuberculous mycobacteria
Quelle: Springer Nature Limited; Scientific Reports; Volume 14, Article Number 13295
Autor(en): Teodora Biciusca, Ann-Sophie Zielbauer, Thomas Anton, Lisa Marschall, Raja Idris, Julia Koepsell, Lisa J. Juergens, Jennifer Gotta, Vitali Koch, Thomas A. Wichelhaus, Thomas J. Vogl, Maria J. G. T. Vehreschild, Simon S. Martin, Nils Wetzstein

Genicular Artery embolisation in Patients with Osteoarthritis of the Knee (GENESIS) Using Permanent Microspheres: Long- Term Results
Quelle: Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol; Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol
Autor(en): M. W. Little, A. O’Grady, J. Briggs, M. Gibson, A. Speirs, A. Al-Rekabi, P. Yoong, T. Ariyanayagam, N. Davies, E. Tayton, S. Tavares2, S. MacGill, C. McLaren, R. Harrison

Interventional Treatments of Colorectal Liver Metastases Using Thermal Ablation and Transarterial Chemoembolization: A Single-Center Experience over 26 Years
Quelle: Cancers 2024; Volume 16 1756; MDPI
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl, Jason Freichel, Tatjana Gruber-Rouh, Nour-Eldin Abdelrehim Nour-Eldin, Wolfgang-Otto Bechstein, Stefan Zeuzem, Nagy N. N. Naguib, Ulrich Stefenelli, Hamzah Adwan

Effects of Tetrahydrolipstatin on Glioblastoma in Mice: MRI-Based Morphologic and Texture Analysis Correlated with Histopathology and Immunochemistry Findings—A Pilot Study
Quelle: Cancers 2024; Volume 16 Issue 8; MDPI
Autor(en): Sabine Wagner, Christian Ewald, Diana Freitag, Karl-Heinz Herrmann, Arend Koch, Johannes Bauer, Thomas J. Vogl, Andrè Kemmling, Hunert Gufier

Retrospective Long-Term Evaluation of Conventional Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma over 20 Years
Quelle: Cancers 2024; Volume 16 1498; MDPI
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl, Hamzah Adwan, Leonard Wolff, Maximilian Lahrsow, Tatjana Gruber-Rouh, Nour-Eldin Abdelrehim Nour-Eldin, Jörg Trojan, Wolf-Otto Bechstein, Nagy N. N. Naguib

Short- and Long-Term Outcomes after Radiofrequency Ablation of Osteoid Osteomas
Quelle: J. Pers. Med. 2024, 14(4), 401; MDPI
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl, Michael Bialek, Katrin Eichler, Renate Hammerstingl, John Bielefeld, Stephan Zangos, Jan-Erik Scholtz, Hamzah Adwan

Diagnostic Value Of Radiography And Bronchoalveolar Lavage In Immunocompromised Patients With Hematologic Diseases
Quelle: Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences
Autor(en): Mohsen Kabiri, Thomas J. Vogl

Advancing Differentiation of Hepatic Metastases in Malignant Melanoma through Dual-Energy Computed Tomography Rho/Z Maps
Quelle: Diagnostics 2024, 14, 742; MDPI
Autor(en): Ibrahim Yel, Vitali Koch, Leon D. Gruenewald, Scherwin Mahmoudi, Leona S. Alizadeh, Aynur Goekduman, Katrin Eichler, Thomas J. Vogl, Mirela Dimitrova, Christian Booz

Photon-Counting Detector CT Virtual Monoenergetic Images in Cervical Trauma Imaging—Optimization of Dental Metal Artifacts and Image Quality
Quelle: Verlag MDPI; Diagnostics 2024, 14, 626
Autor(en): Daniel Dillinger, Daniel Overhoff, Matthias F. Froelich, Hanns L. Kaatsch, Christian Booz, Achim Hagen, Thomas J. Vogl, Stefan O. Schönberg, Stephan Waldeck

Value of Dual-Energy CT-Derived Metrics for the Prediction of Bone Non-union in Distal Radius Fractures
Quelle: Academic Radiology; ELSEVIER
Autor(en): Philipp Reschke, Jennifer Gotta, Adrian Stahl, Vitali Koch, Christoph Mader, Simon S. Martin, Jan-Erik Scholtz, Christian Booz, Ibrahim Yel, Daniel A. Hescheler, Tatjana Gruber-Rouh, Katrin Eichler, Thomas J. Vogl, Leon D. Gruenewald

Potential of Dual-Energy CT-Based Collagen Maps for the Assessment of Disk Degeneration in the Lumbar Spine
Quelle: Academic Radiology; ELSEVIER
Autor(en): Scherwin Mahmoudi, Leon D. Gruenewald, Vitali Koch, Simon Bernatz, Simon S. Martin, Lara Engelskirchen, Ivana Radic, Giuseppe Bucolo, Tommaso D’Angelo, Jennifer Gotta, Christoph Mader, Daniel Pinto dos Santos, Jan-Erik Scholtz, Tatjana Gruber-Rouh, Katrin Eichler, Thomas J. Vogl, Christian Booz, Ibrahim Yel

Dual-Energy CT Iodine Uptake of Head and Neck: Definition of Reference Values in a Big Data Cohort
Quelle: Diagnostics 2024, 14(5) MDPI
Autor(en): Ibrahim Yel, Giuseppe Mauro Bucolo, Scherwin Mahmoudi, Vitali Koch, Aynur Gökduman, Tommaso D'Angelo, Leon David Grünewald, Mirela Dimitrova, Katrin Eichler, Thomas J. Vogl, Christian Booz

Dual-Energy CT Material Decomposition: The Value in the Detection of Lymph Node Metastasis from Breast Cancer
Quelle: Diagnostics 2024, 14, 466; MDPI
Autor(en): Ibrahim Yel, Tommaso D’Angelo, Leon D. Gruenewald, Vitali Koch, Rejane Golbach, Scherwin Mahmoudi, Giorgio Ascenti, Alfredo Blandino, Thomas J. Vogl, Christian Booz, Giuseppe M. Bucolo

Baseline parenchymal blood volume is a potential prognostic imaging biomarker in patients with malignant liver tumors treated with transarterial chemoembolization
Quelle: Abdominal Radiology; HEPATOBILIARY
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl, Eileen Isabell Emrich, Tatjana Gruber, Jörg Trojan, Simon Bernatz

Indicators for hospitalization in acute pulmonary embolism: Uncover the association between D-dimer levels, thrombus volume and radiomics
Quelle: Dr. Jennifer Gotta
Autor(en): Academic Radiology; Elsevier

Incident fractures of the distal radius: Dual-energy CT-derived metrics for opportunistic risk stratification
Quelle: European Journal of Radiology, Volume 171, 111283 Elsevier
Autor(en): Leon D. Gruenewald, Christian Booz, Jennifer Gotta, Philipp Reschke, Simon S. Martin, Scherwin Mahmoudi, Simon Bernatz, Katrin Eichler, Tommaso D'Angelo, Victoria Chernyak, Christof M. Sommer, Thomas J. Vogl, Vitali Koch








Lightweight Techniques to Improve Generalization and Robustness of U-Net Based Networks for Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation
Quelle: Bioengineering 2024, 11, 21; MDPI
Autor(en): Armin A. Dadras, Achref Jaziri, Eric Frodl, Thomas J. Vogl, Julia Dietz, Andreas M. Bucher

Can We Use Large Language Models for the Use of Contrast Media in Radiology?
Quelle: The Association of University Radiologists; Elsevier
Autor(en): Esat Kaba, Thomas J. Vogl

Neue MRT-Verfahren zur NASH-Diagnostik
Quelle: Gastro-News; Springer Nature
Autor(en): Carolina Rio Bartulos, Thomas J. Vogl, Philipp Wiggermann

Diagnostic performance of modern computed tomography in cruciate ligament injury detection: A comprehensive study
Quelle: European Journal of Radiology; Volume 170, 111235
Autor(en): Leon D. Gruenewald, Christian Booz, Simon S. Martin, Scherwin Mahmoudi, Ibrahim Yel, Katrin Eichler, Leona S. Alizadeh, Simon Bernatz, Jennifer Gotta, Philipp Reschke, Christophe Weber, Christof M. Sommer, Tommaso D'Angelo, Giuseppe Bucolo, David M. Leistner, Thomas J. Vogl, Vitali Koch

Interventional oncology: A new era of minimally invasive techniques
Quelle: Research Features; Health & Medicine
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl

Laser-Induced Interstitial Thermotherapy (LITT) for Primary Liver Cancer
Quelle: Interventional Oncology; Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl, Alexandra Jost, Mohamed Nabil, and Martin G. Mack

Machine-Learning-Aided Prediction of Brain Metastases Development in Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancers
Quelle: Clinical Lung Cancer; Elsevier Inc.
Autor(en): Giovanni Visonà, Lisa M. Spiller, Sophia Hahn, Elke Hattingen, Thomas J. Vogl, Gabriele Schweikert, Katrin Bankov, Melanie Demes, Henning Reis, Peter Wild, Pia S. Zeiner, Fabian Acker, Martin Sebastian,vKatharina J. Wenger

Influence of Patient Anatomy on Intraoperative Radiation Exposure and Operation Time during Standard EVAR
Quelle: Journal of Clinical Medicine; MDPI
Autor(en): Wojciech Derwich, Alexandru Barb, Thomas Vogl, Kyriakos Oikonomou, Daphne Gray

Dual-Energy CT-based Opportunistic Volumetric Bone Mineral Density Assessment of the Distal Radius
Quelle: Radiology 2023; 308(2):e223150; RSNA 2023
Autor(en): Leon D. Gruenewald, Vitali Koch, Simon S. Martin, Ibrahim Yel, Scherwin Mahmoudi, Simon Bernatz, Katrin Eichler, Tatjana Gruber-Rouh, Daniel Pinto Dos Santos, Tommaso D’Angelo, Stefan Wesarg, Eva Herrmann, Rejane Golbach, Marlin Handon, Thomas J. Vogl, Christian Booz

New Frontiers in the Role of Locoregional Therapies in Breast Cancer: Proceedings from the Society of Interventional Radiology Foundation Research Consensus Panel
Quelle: Locoregional Therapies in Breast Cancer; JVIR
Autor(en): Dania Daye, John Panagides, Larry Norton, Muneeb Ahmed, Eisuke Fukuma, Robert C. Ward, Daniel Gomez, Nima Kokabi, Thomas Vogl, Nadine Abi-Jaoudeh, Amy Deipolyi

Machine-Learning-Aided Prediction Of Brain Metastases Development In Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers
Autor(en): Giovanni Vison`a, Lisa M. Spiller, Sophia Hahn, Elke Hattingen, Thomas J. Vogl, Gabriele Schweikert, Katrin Bankov, Melanie Demes, Henning Reis, Peter Wild, Pia S. Zeiner, Fabian Acker, Martin Sebastian, Katharina J. Wenger

Advanced biomedical imaging for accurate discrimination and prognostication of mediastinal masses
Quelle: European Journal of Clinical Investigation; Wiley
Autor(en): Scherwin Mahmoudi, Leon D. Gruenewald, Katrin Eichler, Simon S. Martin, Christian Booz, Simon Bernatz, Maximilian Lahrsow, Ibrahim Yel, Jennifer Gotta, Teodora Biciusca1, Hanin Mohammed, Nicole Suarez Ziegengeist, Katerina Torgashov, Renate M. Hammerstingl, Christof M. Sommer, Christophe Weber, Haidara Almansour, Giuseppe Bucolo, Tommaso D'Angelo, Jan-Erik Scholtz, Tatjana Gruber-Rouh, Thomas J. Vogl, Vitali Koch

Intravaskuläre Therapieverfahren zu lokoregionalen Therapien von Lungentumoren
Quelle: Fortschritt Röntgenstrahlen. 2023; 195: 579-585; Thieme Verlag
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl, Ahmed Mekawy, Duaa B. Thabet

Virtual Non-Contrast Spectral CT in Renal Masses: Is It Time to Discard Conventional Unenhanced Phase?
Quelle: Journal of Clinical Medicine; MDPI
Autor(en): Giuseppe M. Bucolo, Velio Ascent, Simone Barbera, Federico Fontana, Francesco M. Aricò, Filippo Piacentin, Andrea Coppola, Giuseppe Cicero, Maria Adele Marino, Christian Booz, homas J. Vogl, Tommaso D’Angel, Massimo Venturini, Giorgio Ascenti

Unveiling the diagnostic enigma of D-dimer testing in cancer patients: Current evidence and areas of application
Quelle: European Journal of Clinical Investigation; Wiley Online Library
Autor(en): Jennifer Gotta, Leon D. Gruenewald, Katrin Eichler, Simon S. Martin, Scherwin Mahmoudi, Christian Booz, Teodora Biciusca, Philipp Reschke, Simon Bernatz, Daniel Pinto Dos Santos, Jan-Erik Scholtz, Leona S. Alizadeh, Nour-Eldin A. Nour-Eldin, Renate M. Hammerstingl, Tatjana Gruber-Rouh, Christoph Mader, Stefan E. Hardt, Christof M. Sommer, Giuseppe Bucolo, Tommaso D'Angelo, Melis Onay, Fabian Finkelmeier, David M. Leistner, Thomas J. Vogl, Evangelos Giannitsis, Vitali Koch

Dual-Energy CT in Cardiothoracic Imaging: Current Developments
Quelle: Diagnostics 2023, 13(12), 2116; MDPI
Autor(en): Leona S. Alizadeh, Thomas J. Vogl, Stephan S. Waldeck, Daniel Overhoff, Tommaso D’Angelo, Simon S. Martin, Ibrahim Yel, Leon D. Gruenewald, Vitali Koch, Florian Fulisch, Christian Booz

Correlation of background parenchymal enhancement on breast MRI with breast cancer
Quelle: Clinical Radiology; Elsevier
Autor(en): H. Sallam, L. Lenga, C. Solbach, S. Becker, T.J. Vogl 

Das hepatozelluläre Karzinom (HCC): Leitliniengerechte interventionelle Therapieoptionen
Quelle: onkologie heute
Autor(en): T. J. Vogl, K. Eichler, W. Bechstein, S. Zeuzem, H. Adwan

A Comparative Multi-Center Study of Semantic Features and Deep Learning-Based Models
Quelle: JUM, Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine Volume 42 Issue 6
Autor(en): Ali Abbasian Ardakani PhD, Afshin Mohammadi MD, Mohammad Mirza-Aghazadeh-Attari MD, Fariborz Faeghi PhD, Thomas J. Vogl MD, U. Rajendra Acharya PhD, DEng, DSc

Virtual Monoenergetic Imaging of Lower Extremities Using Dual-Energy CT Angiography in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Quelle: MDPI, Diagnostics 2023, 13, 1790
Autor(en): Giuseppe Mauro Bucolo, Tommaso D’Angelo, Ibrahim Yel, Vitali Koch, Leon D. Gruenewald, Ahmed E. Othman, Leona Soraja Alizadeh, Daniel P. Overhoff, Stephan Waldeck, Simon S. Martin, Silvio Mazziotti, Giorgio Ascenti, Alfredo Blandino, Thomas J. Vogl, Christian Booz

Transvenous Pulmonary Chemoembolization and Optional Microwave Ablation for Colorectal Lung Metastases
Quelle: MDPI; Journal of Clinical Medicine
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl, Lars Hammann, Hamzah Adwan

Multiparametric Evaluation of Radiomics Features and Dual-Energy CT Iodine Maps for Discrimination and Outcome Prediction of Thymic Masses
Quelle: Academic Radiology; ELSEVIR Verlag
Autor(en): Scherwin Mahmoudi, Leon D. Gruenewald, Katrin Eichler, Friederike C. Althoff, Simon S. Martin, Simon Bernatz, Christian Booz, Ibrahim Yel, Maximilian N. Kinzler, Nicole Suarez Ziegengeist, Katerina Torgashov, Hanin Mohammed, Tobias Geyer, Jan-Erik Scholtz, Renate M. Hammerstingl, Christophe Weber, Stefan E. Hardt, Christof M. Sommer, Tatjana Gruber-Rouh, David M. Leistner, Vitali Koch

Interventional oncological treatment of breast cancer liver metastasis (BCLM): single center long-term evaluation over 26 years using thermoablation techniques like LITT, MWA and TACE in a multimodal application
Quelle: International Journal of Hyperthermia; Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl, Jason Freichel, Tatjana Gruber-Rouh, Nour Eldin Nour Eldin, Sven Becker, Christine Solbach, Ulrich Stefenelli & Nagy N. N. Naguib

Reduction of radiation dose using real-time visual feedback dosimetry during angiographic interventions
Quelle: The Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics (JACMP); Volume 24, Issue 2 February 2023
Autor(en): Vitali Koch, Lena Marie Conrades, Leon D. Gruenewald, Katrin Eichler, Simon S. Martin, Christian Booz, Tommaso D'Angelo, Ibrahim Yel, Simon Bernatz, Scherwin Mahmoudi, Moritz H. Albrecht, Jan-Erik Scholtz, Axel Thalhammer, Stephan Zangos, Thomas J. Vogl, Tatjana Gruber-Rouh

Spectral CT Imaging of Prosthetic Valve Embolization after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
Quelle: MDPI; Diagnostics 2023, 13(4), 678
Autor(en): Tommaso D’Angelo, Giampiero Vizzari, Ludovica R. M. Lanzafame, Federica Pergolizzi, Silvio Mazziotti, Michele Gaeta, Francesco Costa, Gianluca Di Bella, Thomas J. Vogl,Christian Booz, Antonio Micari, Alfredo Blandino

Diagnosis of Uric Acid-Based Urine Sedimentation in the Bladder Using Dual-Energy CT
Quelle: MDPI, Diagnostics 2023 Interesting Images
Autor(en): Christian Booz, Ibrahim Yel, Julian L. Wichmann, Simon S. Martin, Vitali Koch, Leon D. Grünewald, Leona S. Alizadh, Thomas J. Vogll, Tommaso D' Angelo

Computed Tomography Radiomics to Differentiate Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Quelle: Clinical Oncology; ELSEVIER
Autor(en): S. Mahmoudi, S. Bernatz, J. Ackermann, V. Koch, D. Pinto Dos Santos, L.D. Grünewald, I. Yel, S.S. Martin, J.-E. Scholtz, A. Stehle, D. Walter, S. Zeuzem, P. J. Wild, T. J. Vogl, M.N. Kinzler

Die MR-Angiographie im Kontext konkurrierender Verfahren
Quelle: PERFUSION 2023; 36: 4 – 9; Verlag PERFUSION GmbH
Autor(en): Thomas Störk, Ragnar Gareis, Knut Kröger, Thomas J. Vogl

Interventionelle onkologische Therapie von Lebermetastasen
Quelle: Wiley Analytical Science; GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift
Autor(en): Thomas J. Vogl